While you hustle every day to make the ends meet, at the end of the day, when you take a recap of the things on which you spent time, often it forms a blurry image in your head. You definitely did a lot of things. But the question is, how many among them were done in the right way? By the right way, it means to a level which is self satisfactory. One? Maybe a couple?
You might be a novice who has just stepped into the direct selling industry or an industry-geek and now looking for improvements in your existing daily checklist, or a direct sales distributor who couldn't figure out why things don't really turn out good. Regardless of your experience in the industry, what differentiates you from others is this decision you personally made to bring in a change in your methods and that's why you are here today!
One proven method for distributors to become successful is to formulate a network marketing daily action plan straight from the leaders, adapt those learnings to your activities after making modifications to fit your personality, and to work hard for accomplishment.
If you look into the lives of people who made their way to the top in the direct selling industry, there is one thing in common.
They all have a daily routine to follow.
A plan which clearly told them what to do in the next hour.
As long as you remain in a confused state and try out things at random without a proper plan or order to get things done, you will lose ground in this highly competitive market. So, to get your direct selling business alive and kicking, we have gathered the top daily routine advice from direct selling experts around the world. It is written in an actionable way for aspiring distributors just like you to choose the ones you feel best and make it a part of your direct sales daily schedule right now.
Top Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success
Michael Oliver

Quick tips
- Don’t think of people you talk with as ‘prospects’ - They’re people.
- Listening to their story first is more important than having them listen to your story!
- Get information before you give it!
- People don’t think what you think, and thinking they do, will get you in your own way!
Through his words…
The “secret” to enrolling and growing your business quickly in ANY economy is to ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy’, which will have your potential buyers willingly lean in and want to listen to and buy from you!
It's no secret that the people who seem to get the most out of their businesses and life have great people and communication skills. It's also no secret you can quickly and easily learn these skills, no matter what your personality!
Talking with people and getting positive responses every single time is easy—If you don’t tell, present, educate and share as soon as you can, and if you don’t use closing and overcoming objections techniques!
Instead…. Learn how to ask the right types of questions and listen to WHAT people really want... WHY they want it... HOW they feel about not having it already, and… HOW they would feel if they did!
In other words - Discover First. Present Second!
Your potential customers have all the answers! All you need are the right types of questions!
Michael Oliver says that the secret to persuade your potential customers to listen to you is to abstain from the “old school selling techniques”. He suggests direct selling distributors to be considerate of their prospects' thoughts and feelings.
Tom Schreiter

Quick tips
- Learn one new idea today.
- Think of the biggest problem we solve for our prospect.
- Create one new way to explain our solution in two sentences.
- Chat with one person with a great first sentence.
Through his words…
Prospects prejudge us in the first 20 seconds, before we mention our company, our video, or our compensation plan. This is where the decision happens. Prospects don’t know how their minds make a decision, but we do. When we control the first 20 seconds, everything else is easy. No more rejection, selling, or convincing. Spend our time perfecting our first 20 seconds.
Anyone can have one quality conversation a day, even shy people. When we free ourselves from pitching and rejection, we won’t resist connecting with people. This makes our daily plan doable.
Tom Schreiter with his years of experience in network marketing advises network marketers to take care of some of the crucial points while closing prospects. Tom suggests that distributors must capitalize on “instant yes decisions” of prospects before proceeding further because the human mind detests information without the “yes decision”.
He encourages network marketers to change using the word ‘presentation’ to ‘options’ as people love more options rather than presentations.
Charles Holmes

Quick tips
- Spare at least 4 hours to build the network if you are a full-time network marketing distributor and at least 1 hour if you are an office-goer.
- Help and train new members to build on their skills to be a successful network marketer.
- Follow up with the leads from the previous day.
Through his words…
This plan sounds very easy to do, but only very few people will commit to contacting these many new prospects every single day. The reason why this plan works so well is that you are EXPOSING the business and products to LOTS of people in a compressed amount of time. It's all about massive action and massive exposures.
Charles classifies the people who want to get into the network marketing business into two as the 1 percenters, who wish to generate a six-figure income within the first one or two years in the business, and the 20 percenters, who want to create a side source of income of around 3000$ to 5000$ within a few years after getting into the business.
The key takeaway from his plan is that whether your aim is to earn big or small, your constant efforts in required amounts is all that matters to make your direct selling business successful.
Jackie Ulmer

Quick tips
- Reach out to new people and request them to take a look at what you offer.
- Follow up previous prospects and mail 2-5 follow up postcards.
- Mindset training to cultivate self-development.
Through her words…
It is our habits and daily routines that will make or break us in business and in life. Do something every day to grow your business. Write down your plan and your routine.
Put it in your calendar.
Be the toughest boss you know.
IT’s what will keep you moving in the right direction – forward!
Jackie Umer urges direct selling distributors to fill their network marketing calendar with income-generating daily action plan and work with commitment towards achieving the goals. She also asks to focus on splitting tasks into small blocks, which then will be easy to do. There are so many software tools available out there that will help you easily break down and plan your daily routines. Some even come with gaming techniques to engage you in achieving and advancing your direct selling career.
Ray Higdon

Quick tips
- Create an article, video, or blog.
- Spend 30 minutes on sales and marketing training.
- Meditate for at least 20 minutes a day.
Through his words…
Do not solely look at people at hunks of meat, look at actually creating some relationships and connections and you will be amazed at who decides they want to spend more time with you and possibly even build a business. Some of my best teammates in my company asked me about my business after they got to know me versus I targeted them as a lead or prospect.
Ray envisions network marketer's daily routine as deeds that dictate long term results. The discipline you subsume now will result in a tremendous improvement in your career as a distributor in the future.
Simon Chan

Quick tips
- Create 3 pieces of content.
- Meet 5 new contacts a day.
- Invite 5 people to look at a presentation.
- Follow up with 5 prospects that you sent invites to.
- Have 3 prospects watch a presentation daily or 3-way call.
Through his words…
I admit that at first, this 3-5-5-5-3 Network Marketing DMO (Daily Method of Operation) may not be easy. But once you schedule things in and consciously make an effort to work on your DMO in every free second of your life, you’ll soon discover it’s not only doable but it gives you tremendous satisfaction and happiness.
You’ll feel fulfilled because you’re finally doing the actions that grow your income.
And before you know it, the happiness and success compound exponentially because you’ll be getting the results that you wanted.
Chan's 3-5-5-3 method is a unique approach to building an efficient distributor routine for a successful network marketing career. Even if you are unable to sit together for long hours to complete the daily tasks, it's enough if you do it in short pieces of time. The idea here is to do it right rather than to do it all at once.
Tanya Aliza

Quick tips
- Add 3-5 people to your prospect list.
- Start 3-5 new conversations and wish birthdays.
- Follow up with leads.
- Create curiosity posts on social media.
Through her words…
I don’t move on-demand with my team and I don’t sit around all day long waiting to see if people reply to my post or messages.
I do my morning activities on social media and I move on with my day.
But I will come back later in the evening to check if anyone’s replied or to follow up with anyone that’s commented on my posts.
Tanya asks us to be proactive instead of being reactive when it comes to network marketing daily schedule. Set aside proper time to do all the tasks in your list, complete it, and move on with your day. Give space for your side hustle if you are a part-time direct seller and just get it done without any excuses.
Todd Falcone

Quick tips
- Prospecting for customers.
- Lead generation through social media.
- Personal development through books, training videos, etc.
- Connect with your leaders.
Through his words…
The only way to know for sure that your day is going to be productive is to have a plan and a daily routine. Otherwise, things just “happen” as they happen. And…that's not exactly a great recipe for success.
Here's what I've found from being self-employed for a very long time when it comes to maximizing my daily production. If I shoot from the hip, it never works. If I “hope” to have a good day, it never works out so well. If I do things “on the wing and a prayer”, as nice as that phrase sounds, it never really works out to be as good as it COULD be.
Todd sees a daily action plan in network marketing as something that must be done to be maximally productive. When we are into activities with such a mindset where completing these tasks is essential for you to survive and to earn your bread, the better the stuff gets done. Having that kind of a daily workflow can make you a powerful network marketing entrepreneur.

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All in all,
Well, these are some of the good practices from the experts in the industry which you can incorporate into your direct selling routine to make a better business. The suggestions they have put together is from their experiences meeting thousands of people and making thousands of deals all over the world. If these methods brought them success, then there is nothing that can prevent you too from success in network marketing and creating your own MLM success stories once you start implementing the routines.
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After you have gone through all the suggestions on daily routines by these experts, what's the immediate thing that could be done? Simply, to make a plan out of these tips and start working for firm and stable progress in your direct selling career. Something to be noted here is that simply copying the routines of the successful network marketers alone won't turnaround your business. You need to integrate the routines into your life in such a way that it actually fits your way and time of work. Just because they find time for being mindful in the early morning by no way means you should do it at the same time too. It's all about how you do it with consistency and discipline.
To help you make the most out of this blog, we have created a comprehensive daily routine template. It includes the best of the above-suggested methods from the experts put together in an actionable format.
Considering that people like to do their creative things at different times, we have made two separate timelines for two of the most common types of people:- The early birds and night owls. (Just hover over the graph to view in detail.)
For the early birds
And, for the night owls
These methods aren't any 'holy grail' that can skyrocket your business from the day you implement them. But definitely, as time progresses, you will spot positive changes in your business and customer satisfaction. Let us start small and gradually make our way to the top!
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