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March news roundup 2024
Business success

Touchstone being the cornerstone

One of the leading health and wellness MLM businesses, Touchstone Essentials reveals how they tune their pace and stay ahead of the future despite uncertain economic conditions. From fair and equitable policies to integrating sustainable business practices, Touchstone’s innovative strategies are indeed a lesson for every brand to learn from.

The brand goes any further to earn customer trust and brand recognition, embraces sustainable living introducing organic supplements and eco-friendly packaging and stay alive in the social space through social media and influencer partnerships. Eddie Stone, Founder and CEO of the brand and his team has their eyes on the horizon and are on a mission to position themselves as the direct selling leaders in the days to come.

Cyber attack

Battling the cyber combat

The Harvard Business Review report states that a cloud-based, AI-powered solution is necessary to effectively detect threats and for security and recovery across diverse data storage environments. Businesses in the US have seen a surge in cybercrimes and are expected to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025. Compared to the cyber threat that existed in 2015, Ransomware is predicting a spike in number by $265 billion which is an increase of 815 times.

With these statistics in hand, direct selling businesses are implementing proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data and enhance customer trust. The various strategies that businesses aim at implementing includes


Investing in advanced security technologies


Conducting training programs


Collaborating with cybersecurity experts etc.

Women mentorship

Women in direct selling, brighter future ahead

With women excelling in the direct selling business front, what women-led and other businesses are focusing on is mentoring women to take charge and lead from the forefront. For which, businesses focus on mentorship programs that have transformative potential for mentors and mentees.

In the women’s day context, women in the senior leadership roles of top MLM companies and women entrepreneurs shared how mentorship could help them cultivate leadership skills, build wider networks, and foster a culture of collaboration and success. These factors could ultimately benefit businesses through enhanced retention rates, improved productivity, and building a forward-thinking organizational culture.

European expansion

Next stop, EU

The European Union is brimming with opportunities for direct selling businesses. Considering how France, Germany, Italy and Poland alone constituted over $30 million dollar in retail sales in the year 2022, EU is considered as a realm of opportunities driving more and more US companies into the region who are aiming at setting a strong international footprint.

According to the industry veteran, Jerome Freytag, the two key ingredients for EU success are finding the right business opportunity and introducing effective products and services, which are equally crucial, and which can create a lasting brand integrity.

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