Push for progress

The need for energizing engagement

An MLM energy business saw its distributor energy deteriorating resulting in decreased performance and growth. Unable to identify what worried the tribe, the business ran quick research to fix the scenario and get them back to their form. Apart from decreased sales, what bothered the business was the lack of distributor enthusiasm in their roles and lower morale.

Lack of distributor engagement had extensive consequences beyond just the sales statistics. Having a disengaged distributor force hampered effective communication leading to potential customers being left uninformed and uninterested. As a result, the business’s efforts to expand its customer base and operations to new frontiers were severely affected.

Moreover, the disengagement also led to distributors being unenthusiastic to participate in training and development programs. This resulted in the task force being incompetent to attend to customer queries or promote business offerings, eroding customer trust and confidence in the business.

The business desperately had to address the root cause of disengagement with immediate effect and entrusted Epixel MLM Software to implement strategies that can boost distributor enthusiasm and morale which are crucial for the growth and competitiveness of the business in the energy services sector.

Customer engagement

Dissecting the dilemma

Integrating innovative business approach

In a bid to refuel distributor engagement, we zeroed down on integrating gamification modules in the business operations. The strategic move was devised to revitalize the distributor network, rearing a more dynamic and motivated distributor force. As a starter, we introduced leaderboards and achievement badges which replaced monotonous business environment with vibrant and competitive atmosphere. This gradually drove in enthusiasm and increased performance across the board.

While leaderboards gave a real-time visualization of top performers for the organization, they gave a sense of competition and aspiration to win for distributors. This further encouraged them to strive beyond their regular targets and surpass their best scores. Displaying individual and team rankings separately created a culture of reward and recognition within the organization, uplifting the brand morale to a new extent. This fueled sustained engagement and spirit among the distributors.

Badges that showed performance excellence encouraged distributors and boosted their confidence. Earning badges helped distributors hit their milestones, serving as tangible symbols of progress and motivating them to continue striving for higher achievements.

Within the first three months of incorporating innovative gamification modules, the business experienced a remarkable increase in distributor engagement. The business thus transformed its distributor engagement leading to increased productivity molding a stronger and more motivated network.

Furthermore, we ensured that distributors were invested in their roles and engaged continuously without boredom through regular and updated challenges, rewards, and new levels of gamified experiences. This helped improve distributor retention rates and enhance distributor loyalty at the same time. Gamification was tied up to loyalty programs too letting distributors earn rewards not just for sales but for their consistent engagement, participation in training and desired behaviors. This laid a strong foundation of distributor-brand relationship increasing long term commitment to the company.

Business approach

The result spectrum

From passive to predictive

While our intention was to improve distributor engagement, we ensured that our dedicated MLM solutions for energy services gave a comprehensive result on all the factors that constitute the sustained success and growth of the energy MLM business.

As a result, incorporating interactive training resulted in distributors retaining knowledge better and effectively applying them in their respective roles. This also helped distributors track their learning progress and witness tangible progress in their areas of operation and get a clear idea of which areas they need to focus on more for better progress.

During the process, we also witnessed gamification fostering teamwork when team-based challenges and competitions were combined into the module. This resulted in strengthening relationships among distributors by collaborating to achieve common goals and active knowledge sharing.

Public recognition and leaderboards encouraged peer-to-peer motivation and group interaction, building stronger connections and an engaged distributor network. Gamified systems enabled immediate feedback on performance providing instant gratification and motivation to stay engaged to their tasks and responsibilities.

The transparent performance metrics visible to all increased distributor accountability. Knowing that their progress is being tracked and compared to their peers encouraged them to take ownership of their performance and inculcate a healthy competitive environment.

Expected results

While we were at it, the potential challenges we stood ahead of us were


Aligning with the core business objectives without distracting distributors from their main goals.


Balancing fun with productivity where gamification complements business activities rather than overshadowing them.


Ensuring that distributors were aware of the necessity of gamification aspects rather than considering it unnecessary.


Maintaining fair and inclusiveness in gaming modules avoiding unintended biases regardless of their experience level or position in the network.

Enhanced engagement resulted in higher sales, lesser distributor attrition rates, higher customer retention, effective utilization of training, and enhanced knowledge and skills ultimately increasing the brand credibility.

Expected Results

Higher knowledge retention

Higher knowledge retention


Increased team coordination and cooperation

Increased team coordination and cooperation


More engaged distributor network

More engaged distributor network


Higher distributor confidence

Higher distributor confidence


Lesser distributor churn rate

Lesser distributor churn rate


Higher knowledge retention

Higher knowledge retention


Increased team coordination and cooperation

Increased team coordination and cooperation


More engaged distributor network

More engaged distributor network


Higher distributor confidence

Higher distributor confidence


Lesser distributor churn rate

Lesser distributor churn rate


Give your business a gamified facelift integrating top-tier elements that can enhance growth and success

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