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roundup september 2024
herbalife in asia pacific

Aspiring entrepreneurialism

Herbalife, the premium health and wellness MLM business in its recent study found out that 3 out of 5 individuals in Asia Pacific prefer being entrepreneurs. While 63% of the survey participants were sure about starting their business in the next 18 months, 59% of the respondents were optimistic about their entrepreneurial interests.

With over 8000 participants, the survey was conducted across 11 countries and markets. Based on the survey, over 51% of respondents said they plan to increase their spending in the health and wellness sector this year, and 20% of aspiring entrepreneurs found the category appealing from a business perspective. However, food and beverage ranked a highest of 44% as a market favorable to launching a small business.

WFDSA 2024 report

WFDSA Global Direct Selling Report 2024

The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) released its annual Global Direct Selling Report for 2024. The report shows a 2.3% year-over-year decline in global sales in 2023 of the direct selling sectors. Although there has been a decline, what keeps the channel going is that the performance is still above pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

The report also revealed a list of world’s billion-dollar direct selling markets with 21 countries of which the United States, Germany, and Korea bagged the top three positions. The number of sales representatives in the channel in 2023 totaled 102.9 million.

“These direct sales of over half-a-trillion US dollars from 2020 to 2023 had positive impacts on local communities across the globe, providing people with goods and services, and household income through a flexible entrepreneurial business opportunity.” WFDSA said in the report.

Amway India expansion

Amway strengthens its roots in India

Amway announced that it will be spending $4 million in India to construct four new Research and Development (R&D) labs across India focusing more on product solutions in the categories of foods, oral solids, beauty and personal care.

Encompassing over 24,000 square feet of labs combining four locations, it is expected to meet both global and domestic customer requirements.

“This investment accelerates Amway India’s product development capabilities and positions Amway to better serve the unique and evolving needs of its consumers and businesses in India and around the world. India stands as one of our top priority markets globally and this investment underscores the confidence of Amway Global in the country’s expertise and potential to drive groundbreaking innovation in the health and wellbeing space”, said Rajneesh Chopra, Amway India Managing Director

utility warehouse

UW tops energy customer service in the UK

Utility Warehouse (UW) ranks among the top two energy customer service in the UK. Of the 15 total energy suppliers in the region, UW ranked second attaining its best result to date.

“While there’s always room to improve, we are laser-focused on resolving customer queries quickly and efficiently, first time round. These latest scores prove we’re firmly on the right track as we strive to deliver a world-class service to homes across the UK,” said Rob Harris, UW Chief Operating Officer.

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