What is a replicated website?

Replicated website is a custom website that can be duplicated and shared among the distributors for promoting their business. The HTML code of these websites remains the same as the parent website, but the sub-domain or the path of the URL, and information such as the website profile and contents can be customized by each individual distributor.

Duplicate and distribute replicated websites to your distributors

Why do replicated websites matter in MLM?

The power of replicated websites in network marketing is that it gives every distributor their own personal website to promote their business, build credibility, and increase their productivity. With a strong web presence, distributors become more confident in promoting your products or services.

Promote your business with personalized replicated websites

Use of replicated websites in affiliate marketing

Direct selling businesses are widely marketed with the help of affiliates. This type of marketing is empowered with the help of affiliate marketing software, which uses replicated websites as a primary tool for promoting the business. MLM and affiliate management plugin helps you market your business across major open-source platforms.

Replicated websites for affiliates to empower direct selling

Epixel MLM software provides you with the best MLM Website Replication Software suite to manage your affiliate marketing and network marketing business.

Epixel MLM Website Replication Software lets you create personalized

Features of replicated websites

Company name, logo, and descriptions

Content personalization (Blogs, picture, video, product description, etc)

Unique website name and address for each distributor

Diverse design templates to choose from

Content monetization and advertising

Customer information, phone numbers, address, etc

Simple user interface for better promotion

Easily customizable websites

User review and feedback panels

Social media integration

Product images and descriptions

How do we set up a replicated website?

Enter a name for the replicated website

While enrolling, distributors will have an option to enter a name for the replicated website.

Username entered by distributors will be auto-generated

This name will be set in the URL of the replicated website. There is another option where the username entered by distributors will be auto-generated as the name of their replicated website.

Distributors can later customize their replicated website

Distributors can later customize their replicated website with their preferences.

Enter your preferred name for replicated website during registration
(Distributor registration form)

The basic HTML code of the replicated website remains the same as the main website. However, the sub-domain name or URL will be configurable with the name of the distributors. Distributors will be able to enter a name of their preference as the sub-domain name, during the sign-up process. Replicated websites will be linked to the company’s main website, allowing distributors total control over their business, downlines, and earnings.

A distributor in the name of Jake can have a personalized URL as


Replicated websites come with a number of advantages


SEO friendly URLs for each site


Increased business reach and sales


Consistency of information across all websites


Automated replication for new sign-ups in real-time

To understand more, check out our replicating website software demo.

Replicated websites have been created to provide a better user experience for distributors. Help distributors promote their business and improve their performance with personalized replicated websites. Customized website designs are available as well to provide a professional appearance while creating an environment conducive to attracting consumers.

Easily create personalized replicas of your websites for your distributors

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Epixel Replicated Website Reviews

4.6/5 121 Google reviews

Epixel has been essential part of our company team who paved the way for our success and growth for the past 6 years. I deeply trust the CEO and the whole team.

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